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Introduction "The endeavor to have no creed but the Bible is successful only so long as there is common agreement as to what the Bible teaches." -John H. Leith The list which follows is a mere "scarlet threading" through the many theological debates, synods, and councils which have come together over the centuries to define, defend, and declare sound doctrine and the boundaries of Christian orthodoxy. All texts listed here are in the public domain and may be copied and distributed freely. THE PROTO-CREEDS OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS Christianity has always been a "creedal" religion in that it has always been theological. It is rooted in the theological tradition of ancient Israel, which was unified by its historical credos and declaratory affirmations of faith. Many of these declaratory affirmations were preserved and passed on through the centuries by oral tradition and later came to be inscripturated in the Old Testament. In like manner, many Christological or Trinitarian formulas first appeared in the New Testament writings and, in some cases, became the basis for the earliest creeds.
THE EARLIEST CREEDS (Christological and Universal) THE CREEDS OF THE REFORMATION ERA Lutheran Affirmations Luther's 95 Theses (1517) Anglican and Episcopalian Affirmations (Church of England) The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion (1571) Reformed and Presbyterian Affirmations The Belgic Confession (1561) Congregational Affirmations The Savoy Declaration (Available Soon) Baptist Affirmations The Baptist Confession (1677)
THE POST-REFORMATION ERA Pentecostal Affirmations Under Construction!
Bibliography Creeds of the Churches, Third Ed., Edited by John H. Leith, John Knox Press, © 1982