The only two local church offices mentioned in the NT are those of Elder (overseer) and Deacon (servant or minister). Included in these qualifications is a man’s heartfelt desire for the care and oversight of God’s people (1Timothy 3:1). The desire for power, authority, or spiritual status is nowhere listed or promised in any part of the New Testament! Consider the following verses carefully and you will find they speak of selfless Christian servants who desire to humbly and sacrificially care for the people Christ died to save.
"Those who are choosing elders in churches today would do well to look carefully at candidates in the light of these qualifications, and to look for those character traits and patterns of godly living rather than worldly achievement, fame, or success. Especially in churches in western industrial societies, there seems to be a tendency to think that success in the world of business (or law, or medicine, or government) is an indication of suitability for the office of elder, but this is not the teaching of the New Testament." -Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, p.916
Biblical Qualification(s)
Scriptural Reference(s)
Must be Above Reproach (blameless)
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6 / 1Tim. 3:9-10
Must be The Husband Of One Wife
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6 / 1Tim. 3:12
Must be Temperate (sober minded)
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:7 / 1Tim. 3:8
Must be Prudent (self-controlled)
1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:8
Must be Respectable
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:2 / 1Tim. 3:8
Must be Hospitable
1Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:8
Must be Able To Teach
1Tim. 3:2; 5:17; Titus 1:9
Not Addicted to Wine (drunkenness)
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7 / 1Tim. 3:8
Not Pugnacious (violent), but Gentle
1Tim. 3:3; Titus 1:7
Not Quarrelsome (uncontentious)
1Tim. 3:3
Not A Lover Of Money (not greedy)
1Tim. 3:3
Manages His Own Household Well
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:4 / 1Tim. 3:12
His Children Obey Him
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:4-5; Titus 1:6 / 1Tim. 3:12
Not A Recent Convert
1Tim. 3:6
A Good Reputation With Outsiders
1Tim. 3:7
Does Not Pursue Dishonest Gain
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:8 / Titus 1:7
Not Two-Tongued (must be sincere)
1Tim. 3:8
Must Have Children Who Believe
Titus 1:6
Not Overbearing
Titus 1:7
Not Quick-Tempered
Titus 1:7
Loves What Is Good
Titus 1:8
Must Be Upright, Holy
Titus 1:8
Must Be Disciplined
Titus 1:8
Must Be Tested
1Tim. 3:10
Likewise…Wives Must be Dignified
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:11
Wives Must Not be Malicious Gossips
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:11
Wives Must be Temperate
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:11
Wives Must be Faithful in All Things
Elder / Deacon
1Tim. 3:11
A Brief Note on Deacons
The Greek word for deacon is (diakonos). In its pre-technical usage, this word simply meant "one who serves." The seven men chosen to serve in this capacity in Acts 6:1-6 were likely the first deacons ever to be appointed in the church. Generally, their attention to the physical needs of the flock was meant to allow the elders to give full attention to prayer and the teaching of the word of God (Acts 6:2, 4). However, Acts 6:8-8:1 clearly shows that even gifted deacons may preach and teach boldly at times!
Systematic Theology, An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine, Wayne Grudem, Zondervan, © 2000
Biblical Eldership, An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership, Alexander Strauch, Lewis & Roth Publishers, © 1995
The Team Concept, Paul's Church Leadership Patterns or Ours?, Bruce Stabbert, Hegg Brothers Printing, © 1982
Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers, Ministry Anytime, Anywhere, By Anyone, William M. Easum, Abingdon Press, © 1995
The New Testament Order For Church and Missionary, 4th Revised Ed., Alex Rattray Hay, © 1947
The Church at the End of the 20th Century, Francis A. Schaeffer, Intervarsity Press, © 1970
© 2002 Spread-the-Word Ministries